Oppose needless laws! Let St. Louis political leaders err on the side of freedom and property rights!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hannegan, who only smokes when he drinks, said a prohibition of smoking also would limit his patronage of bars and restaurants.
"I have no interest in stepping out to smoke," he said. "I enjoy it with beer. It heightens socializing. If I can't smoke at my corner bar, I just stay home."
Friday, November 28, 2008
Best study supports St. Louis freedom
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
KMOX Interview
Here is a link to the OSHA decision I mentioned concerning secondhand smoke in the workplace:
This is exactly the type of study that should be done as soon as possible on a bar such a Herbie's Vintage 72 in order to prove the effectiveness of air filtration in St. Louis!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Smoking ban hurts Columbia
Further research by Dr. Michael Pakko:
2007 Gallup Poll
Friday, November 21, 2008
Smoke-Free St. Louis City Commentary
Since the Smoke-Free St. Louis City site doesn't take comments from its opposition, or even acknowledge that grassroots opposition exists, I have decided to post some of their video commentaries on the Keep St. Louis Free site so that we can have our say.
Why doesn't St. Louis have a smoking ban? Because freedom activists, mom and pop bars and restaurants and Harrah's Casino all joined together to protest any ban, and challenge the junk science justification of smoking bans!
This young St. Louisan needs to check out some of the St. Louis venues that are now clearing their air through Marth filtration. He assumes that secondhand smoke is causing the irritation he experiences in St. Louis venues, but a great number of allergens, toxins and pollutants are present in St. Louis bar and restaurant air other than tobacco smoke that may be causing his trouble. Air filtration removes all of these possible culprits. As winter comes on, Marth Brothers and I believe that many more venues will opt to provide truly clean air through their technology. Of course, plenty of smoke-free venues are already available too.
This young man cites Kansas City as an example of a town that has gone smoke-free. But Kansas City antismoking groups only barely got a ban passed by exempting casinos. I hope St. Louis would never be so unfair to local mom and pop businesses. Though smoking is allowed in KC casinos, the Kansas City smoking ban makes it illegal to smoke in cigar shops! How dumb is that! Please, St. Louis doesn't need any such irrational laws!
Furthermore, it was misleading for the young man to say that smoking was banned in Dallas in his school days. Dallas still allows smoking in bars. A bitter fight for the sake of freedom and property rights is currently ongoing in Dallas:
In fact, two of my sons attend the University of Dallas. I recently wrote a letter to the Dallas Morning News asking that the Dallas City Council not expose my sons to the 13 percent increase in drunk driving fatalities cities that impose bar smoking bans take on:
Finally, this young man has a sense of entitlement and a cavalier attitude toward the property rights of others that he needs to lose. It's funny that he asks for this imposition on local business owners for the sake of his health while standing on the sidewalk breathing the benzo-alpha-pyrene and nitro pyrenes from nearby traffic. If he is really worried about his health, he should consider a move to rural Missouri. Just breathing the air of St. Louis City 24/7 reputedly raises one's lung cancer risk 30 percent or more.
Cot Ti Paper Drunk Driving
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Marth Brothers Brochures
Clean Air Pays Brochure
John Campisi is gone
John Campisi put the kibosh to Kurt Odenwald's countywide smoking ban and Lambert Airport smoking ban in 2006. Since Keep St. Louis Free is loyal to political leaders who take a stand for St. Louis freedom and property rights, we supported Campisi in his fight for re-election.
Now that John has lost, we have every hope that Steve Stenger will join County Council Democrats Erby, O'Mara and Burkett in their support of freedom and property rights in St. Louis County.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Casino Queen and East St. Louis in big trouble!
From the article:
"For many years, the lack of loss limits at Illinois casinos had provided a powerful edge over their competitors in Missouri, where the state law abolished Nov. 4 prohibited gamblers from buying more than $500 worth of tokens or gambling chips every two hours.
What is more than clear is the negative impact Illinois' state-mandated smoking ban has had on Casino Queen business since it took effect in January -- a 20-percent revenue reduction on a month-to-month comparison, Monaghan said.
Although casino owners warned the General Assembly last year about the detrimental effects of the smoking ban, Monaghan said he doubts lawmakers will end it."
This won't be pretty!
Ashley Bunning says St. Louis should follow Chicago!