Oppose needless laws! Let St. Louis political leaders err on the side of freedom and property rights!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Lets Face It
Tony Palazzolo
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Councilman Steve Stenger
Back in March, Tobacco Free St. Louis head Pat Lindsey assured everyone that the elimination of exemptions was such "a done deal" by County Executive Dooley and the Health Department that she didn't even need to lobby anymore, as if an exemption free ordinance had already been written.
New Tobacco Free St. Louis head Barb Fraser recently warned the County Council that they owed the elimination of the exemptions in exchange for the $7,000,000 of Stimulus money the County Health Department got to fight smoking.
I am glad to see that Councilman Stenger has resolved to do his own independent thinking on this issue. Check Jason Rosenbaum's Patch article on Stenger: