Thursday, July 03, 2008

American Cancer Society 16 Cigarette Claim drove Iowa smoking ban.

The same phony 16 Cigarette Claim that the American Cancer Society used to push the Illinois smoking ban also drove the Iowa smoking ban.

Senator Staci Appel's version of the claim is quoted in the Quad-City Times:

"In one eight-hour shift a casino worker inhales the equivalent of 16 cigarettes from second-hand smoke," she said. "That makes a pack-a-daysmoker out of everyone working in casinos even if they're not smokers themselves."

Senator Appel makes the claim again in the Des Moines Register:

"During an eight-hour shift", she said, "a worker in a smoky casino inhalesthe equivalent of 16 cigarettes."

Using bad info supplied to him by Public Health Director Tom Newton, Rep. Philip Wise upped the number to 19 cigarettes. According to The Daily Gate City:

"Wise cited a study that found people who work in taverns and bars have had the equivalent of 19 cigarettes by the end of their work day."

No such study exists.

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