Thursday, August 14, 2008

Church Key owner Carrie Bellon, air filtration works.

Carrie Bellon, owner of the bar Church Key, says smoke eaters don't work.

But Carrie really needs to check out the air filtration machines being sold by Marth Brothers to St. Louis bars and restaurants such as Bar Napoli, The Country Club, The Double D Lounge, Three Monkeys, and Peppertini's.

According to Scott Marth, “We have had bar owners tell us that their customers have gotten up to go outside to have a cigarette because they think the bar is non-smoking since the air is so clear.”

But Scott warns St. Louis bar owners that want to continue to allow smoking:

“Bar owners who believe that the smoking ban is inevitable and do nothing to clean the air are actually creating aself-fulfilling prophecy that will hurt, if not destroy their business. On the contrary, clean air maximizes the customer base which helps business and at the same time makes the public/employee health arguments moot.”

Air filtration truly cleans the air! It removes not only tobacco smoke, but also viruses, bacteria, chemicals, pollen, dust, mold, fungi and, most importantly, radon decay products, which the EPA claims causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year, seven times more than secondhand smoke is reputed to cause. If these machines can protect welders from far more toxic industrial smoke to OSHA standards, they can protect St. Louis bar people from stray cigarette smoke. They can make the air of a bar or restaurant that allows smoking cleaner than the air outdoors.

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