Saturday, April 18, 2009

County Executive Dooley and Lyda Krewson's Smoking Ban

Alderman Krewson should not turn over St. Louis City public health policy to County Executive Dooley. Why should Charlie Dooley decide whether St. Louis City gets a smoking ban?

If this law passes, City businesses will immediately begin contributing to and lobbying Charlie Dooley and the County Council against a ban. City business owners will eventually be crowding into County Council smoking ban hearings, talking to the press and television crews, pleading their case to Dooley along with County businesses.

I can hear the City business owners line up in front of the County Council at a smoking ban hearing, taking their turn at the microphone, saying, “I live in the City and I own Joe’s Bar & Grill in the City, and I am asking County Executive Dooley not to put me out of business with a smoking ban!"

Can you imagine the owners of Duff’s, or Riggazi’s or Herbie’s scheduling meetings with Mike O’Mara or Barbara Fraser, asking them to postpone a ban?

Smoking BB Revised 4-14-09 Smoking BB Revised 4-14-09 Bill Hannegan

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