Alderman Krewson should not turn over St. Louis City public health policy to County Executive Dooley. Why should Charlie Dooley decide whether St. Louis City gets a smoking ban?
If this law passes, City businesses will immediately begin contributing to and lobbying Charlie Dooley and the County Council against a ban. City business owners will eventually be crowding into County Council smoking ban hearings, talking to the press and television crews, pleading their case to Dooley along with County businesses.
I can hear the City business owners line up in front of the County Council at a smoking ban hearing, taking their turn at the microphone, saying, “I live in the City and I own Joe’s Bar & Grill in the City, and I am asking County Executive Dooley not to put me out of business with a smoking ban!"
Can you imagine the owners of Duff’s, or Riggazi’s or Herbie’s scheduling meetings with Mike O’Mara or Barbara Fraser, asking them to postpone a ban?
Smoking BB Revised 4-14-09
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