Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Smoking Ban Hearings

On Tuesday June 30th and July 1st the Health and Human Services Committee will hold hearings on the proposed smoking ban. The hearing will start at noon on both days and will be held in the Kennedy Room (208) at City Hall.

Now is the time to let your Alderman know how you feel about the smoking ban. City residents and business owners will be given a chance to testify. While the bill still would require that the county ban smoking - there have been hints that they want to drop the "trigger language" and go at it alone. Even if a ban would exist in the county - it would still have the same harsh economic effect. St Louis has greatly benefited from the Illinois Smoking Ban. Last summer the Landing had the best year on record even in the midst of a bad economy. Instead of following a state that is in talks to raise taxes to offset its losses - we should instead send them a thank you note.

As you may remember the hearings in early June were canceled. If that happens we will let you know. As for right now - we will be contacting every bar and restaurant in the city to let them know.

Tony Palazzolo

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