Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letter to Illinois House Executive Committee

Dear Chairman Burke and Executive Committee Members,

Please amend the Illinois smoking ban in a way fair to all businesses.

Rather than selectively exempting casinos, please consider reinstating the Chicago air filtration exemption statewide:

"Any public place or place of employment otherwise subject to this Chapter whose owner or operator can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the commissioner of public health and the commissioner of the environment, that such area has been equipped with air filtration or purification devices or similar technologies as to render the exposure to secondhand smoke in such area, notwithstanding the fact that smoking may be occurring in such area, equivalent to such exposure to secondhand smoke in the ambient outdoor air surrounding the establishment. The commissioner of public health and the commissioner of the environment are jointly authorized to promulgate regulations specifying what types of technologies, when and if available, and taking into account any applicable Federal and/or State standards, satisfy the requirements of this paragraph."

Or please consider an "over 21" exemption such as the Tennessee smoking ban provides. Please find the Tennessee smoking ban attached.

I am very glad to see Illinois moving in the direction of increased freedom and property rights concerning this issue.


Bill Hannegan
314.315.3779 (cell)

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